July 22, 2019
Variations that are set up correctly for an ASIN can help a shoppers find the exact product style they are looking for and in turn speed up their purchasing decision. Poorly set up variations and variations changed by malicious actors can make the buyer confused and make them less likely to buy. Potentially worse, they might be directed towards fraudulent or unauthorized products.
To help make sure variations are setup correctly, InsightLeap now tracks when an ASIN’s variation changes! We show any change to variation’s text or associated ASIN. Use this feature to see if an unauthorized ASIN was added to your parent ASIN, if a valid ASIN was removed, or if the text of your variations were changed! You can view variation changes in the daily notification email and in the In web application under the “Content Changes” section.
Let us know if you have any questions! Cheers!
The InsightLeap Team