
Frequently Asked Questions

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Monthly Reports and Data

Monthly reports and data for the previous month are typically available by the 5th of the month.

Weekly Reports and Data

Weekly reports and data for the previous week are typically available on Wednesdays.

Why are my Reports not updated yet?

Reports can sometimes be delayed. This is almost always because the data is not up-to-date in Vendor Central. If there is a delay, please check our status page for updates.

We typically wait until the data has an “as of” of at least the 1st of the next month for monthly reports and at least Sunday of the next week for weekly reports. Also Vendor Central data is always a couple of days lagging. These two factors combined is the reason for reports being generated 3-5 days after the end of the week/month.

E.g. When generating January reports, we wait until the data we download has an “As of” date of February 1st. Since the data in Vendor Central is always a few days behind, we’d typically get this data around the 3rd or 4th of February. After validation and importing, reports for January are available on the 4th/5th.

Yes! Thought there isn’t a place in the application that you can directly download the files, if you send us a message, we’d be happy send you any files you need.